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Wood Turning
Furniture Making
78 Gargoyle
A spout projecting from the roof gutter of a building, often carved grotesquely.
77 Gambrel Roof
79 Gudgeon
66 Dormer
A window pierced in a roof and so set as to be vertical, while the roof slopes away from it. Also called a Gablet. ...
67 Dowel
A pin or stud in one block, or body, designed to engage with holes in another body to hold them together in alignment. ...
68 Drip
That part of a cornice or sill course A, or other horizontal member which projects beyond the rest, so as to divert water. ...
70 Extrados
The exterior curve of an arch, especially the upper curved face A. B is the Intrados or Soffit. ...
71 Engrailed
Indented with small concave curves, as the edge of a bordure, bend, or the like. ...
72 Facet
The narrow plain surface, as A, between the fluting of a column. ...
73 Fret Fretwork
Ornamental work consisting of small fillets, or slats, intersecting each other or bent at right angles. Openwork in relief, when elaborated and minute in all its parts. Hence any minute play of light and shade. A, Japanese fretwork. B, Green fret. ...
74 Frontal Also Called Pediment
The triangular space, A, above a door or window. ...
75 Frustums
That part of a solid next the base, formed by cutting off the top; or the part of any solid, as of a cone, pyramid, etc., between two planes, which may either be parallel or inclined to each other. ...
76 Fylfat
A rebated cross used as a secret emblem and worn as an ornament. It is also called Gammadium, and more commonly known as Swastika. ...
77 Gambrel Roof
A curb roof having the same section in all its parts, with a lower, steeper and longer part. See Curb Roof and distinguish difference. ...
78 Gargoyle
A spout projecting from the roof gutter of a building, often carved grotesquely. ...
79 Gudgeon
A wooden shaft, A, with a socket, B, into which is fitted a casting, C. The casting has a gudgeon, D. <div> <img src="/images/fig80_93.jpg" alt="Fig. 80.-Fig. 93." height="640" width="112"> </div> ...
80 Guilloche
An ornament in the form of two or more bands or strings twisted together or over or through each other. ...
81 Half Timbered
Constructed of a timber frame, having the spaces filled in with masonry. ...
82 Hammer Beam
A member of one description of roof truss, called hammer-beam truss, which is so framed as not to have a tie beam at the top of the wall. A is the hammer beam, and C the pendant post. ...
83 Haunches
The parts A, A, on each side of the crown of an arch. Each haunch is from one-half to two-thirds of the half arch. ...
84 Header
A piece of timber, A, fitted between two trimmers, B, B, to hold the ends of the tail beams, C, C. ...
85 Hip Roof
The external angle formed by the meeting of two sloping sides or skirts of a roof which have their wall plates running in different directions. ...
86 Hood Molding
A projecting molding over the head of an arch, as at A, forming the outer-most member of the archivolt. ...
87 Inclave
The border, or borders, having a series of dovetails. One variation of molding or ornamentation. ...
88 Interlacing Arch
Arches, usually circular, so constructed that their archivolts, A, intersect and seem to be interlaced. ...