Incorrect Way To Hold Tool For Grinding
The incorrect way of holding a tool is shown in Fig. 18. This, I presume, is the universal way in which the novice takes the tool. It is wrong for the reason that the thumbs of both hands are on top of the blade, and they serve as pivots on which the tool may turn. The result is that the corners of the tool will dig into the stone to a greater or less degree, particularly if it has a narrow blade, like a chisel.
Try the experiment of grinding a quarter-inch chisel by holdi
g it the incorrect way; and then grasp it firmly with the left hand, and you will at once see the difference.
The left hand serves both as a vise and as a fulcrum, whereas the right hand controls the angle of the tool.

Fig. 19.
These remarks apply to all chisels, plane bits and tools of that character, but it is obvious that a drawknife, which is always held by the handles in grinding, and hatchets, axes and the like, cannot be held in the same manner.
A too common error is to press the tool too hard on the stone. This is wrong. Do not try to force the grinding.
Then, again, it is the practice of some to turn the stone away from the tool. The stone should always move toward the tool, so as to prevent forming a feather edge.